About Us

Selfie of me and dog on hiking trail.

Hello, and thank you for visiting Active Learning Emergency Care (ALEC) education. My name is Matt Calvert, and I started this site based on a growing personal interest to connect with other healthcare professionals involved or interested in emergency education. For the past 20 years I’ve worked as a registered nurse in various emergency departments, ICUs, as well as critical care transport, and as a paramedic with a local 911 EMS system.


Over the years I’ve also become involved in various educational endeavors, initially teaching conventional courses like CPR, ACLS, and PALS among others. However, along the way my educational interests began broadening from the traditional lecture-based formats to more active learning or experiential exercises, such as healthcare simulation. As I became mindful of my own learning gaps, I sought to expand my knowledge, skills, and abilities through more formal training in education. By completing graduate studies in Healthcare Simulation at Boise State University, and currently as a graduate student in Adult and Higher Education at Oregon State University, I hope to better apply learning science concepts to the field of emergency care.


Finally, it’s my wish that this platform will facilitate a self-directed learning environment that is both flexible and collaborative. By creating a community of healthcare professionals that share a common goal to connect and construct their own learning in emergency care.


Thanks for visiting,




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